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Retreat Facilitators

Take Others On A Journey That Can Change A Life

Retreats change lives in mysterious and often unseen ways, 
 they allow you to dream of the possible and learn ways to take that dream home and
meld it into the everyday.
They are the seeker of truth because when on a Retreat it has a way of finding you.
Retreats change lives - they just do!
As a Retreat Facilitator, you create a space that will evoke a special magic that will fill peoples hearts with learning and connection.
One that will take your clients to a whole new level and allow you to travel as well! 
Magic comes to people's lives at the right time for the right reason. It can come in the form of a word, a conversation, a sight, a sound, a taste or a smell. It comes so that people can be awakened, and have their minds opened to a  whole new world.  
Retreats do this - they can awaken you to magic whether you be the grand magician or part of the audience. They can take you from the ordinary and give you the space to change the 
world around you forever. 
Welcome to this magical world and the role that you will play in changing people’s lives by adding Retreats to your business.
Organising all the intricate details of a retreat can be tricky and time-consuming, so that is where The Retreat Specialists can jump in as all the hard work has been done for you - everything from working out your ideal client, planning your itinerary, developing website copy, a marketing plan and making sure the legalities are covered.
We have done it all for over 20 years so now we can pass our learnings on for you. 
We can support you to make sure that your:

Retreat is well organised



That you know the steps to fill to capacity



Make the profit you deserve

Ways to Have Support With Your Retreat

Live Workshops and Trainings

Take a look at what we offer at our live workshops and trainings. 


2020 Dates will be announced SOON!!!

Mentoring Consults

Over a 90 minute 1:1 consult you get Liesel's undivided attention as you discuss your retreat and develop it to be exactly what you want it to be. 



Cost: $497  AUD

What Is In Our Manuals

The two Retreat Manuals - The Go To Guide and the Retreat Specialist Manual (18 Steps to Retreat Success) are an introduction to the world of retreat planning.


The Go to Guide is an introduction to your planning, and the Manual is much more comprehensive and includes all you need for your Retreat.

Join our VIP Retreat Program

We have decided to open up The Retreat Specialist booking schedule to work collaboratively with you to support your journey stand out in the sometimes crowded retreat market.


What this means is we work alongside you to develop your retreat, and then support you in the launch and marketing process, as well as using our avenues of marketing and showing off what you have to a wider community. We are with you every step of the way and there is no winging it or becoming overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done.


$650 AUD per month (6 month commitment)

Learn About Our Online Course

Learning Online in a group or a stand-alone course we have both of these available here for you to choose from.

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